Transsexual Derangement

I really don't mean to give them attention, as that is what they want. I don't particularly have any animus towards people who think that they are the wrong gender. This isn't something that I'm eager to really engage in. You are defined by your friends and your enemies. Having trans people as enemies is like being an enemy with a homeless person. They're so far beneath that it is punching down. That is the truth. No one really believes in their crap. But no one really wants to engage in it. So they just play along.

What irritates me is when the activism starts to enter the political and cultural realm which affects everyone. So no, I don't want it in the schools. I don't want it in the culture at all because glorifying it and portraying it in a positive light will encourage vulnerable and impressionable young people to pursue it.

I also get the feeling that I'm being gas-lit whenever trans activism comes up. I feel like a fast one is being pulled over on me. That the emotional anger is manipulative and dishonest. Dishonest is the key term. It really just doesn't feel right in the least.

I watched this recently. The trans person to the right was born a woman, but presents herself as a man.

That isn't really the issue.

The issue is her argument. The argument over accommodation of the pronoun relies on the technology of the cell phone. She said, in so many words, that it wasn't particularly difficult to use non-standard pronouns like "zhir" or whatever because they could be programmed into a cell phone for memory.

But smartphones have been around for less than twenty years.

They are not natural. The state of nature is ultimately where all meaning must be derived of. Trans people require extraordinary and expensive interventions in order to present as their preferred gender. That is incredibly unnatural and also impossible a hundred years ago.

Feminism's point always has been that the current society has sort of curdled into something that is oppressive. So women who passed as men had to do so because society was so oppressive. And that is certainly plausible, looking at certain fashion trends for women, and how gender roles became stultifying.

But putting on makeup is not natural. Plastic surgery is not natural. Many trans people put on elaborate shows to make themselves ultra-feminine, by contemporary standards. That means very high heels, tight dresses, lavish makeup, etcetera. Or they'll make themselves ultra-masculine.

Whatever it is, this is the opposite of a natural state. It is a sort of techno-futurism.

And it is derangement. We live in interesting times, in an extraordinarily wealthy society. Money solves a lot of problems. While trans people are ridiculous and deranged, in a way a society that bends over backwards to accommodate them will not be waging tribal war on another ethnic group. Hopefully. Or perhaps transsexuality is a sort of Neo-humanism, the "neo" being a perversion akin to Neo-conservatism, and a sign of a collective derangement of the elite of the society.


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