Unitarian Universalist

Today is December 24th. I went to church today at the Unitarian Universalists.

I have not thought about religion for a long while. My current position on religion is basically the same as the Alt-Right. It is something that I had been developing for far longer than the alt-right has been active.

That is: Christianity is a cultural vessel of European culture. Religion is a language in which people pour their spirit and desire. Religion takes this impulse and it shapes it in certain directions.

Likewise, Islam is a cultural vessel of Middle Eastern culture. And there is such a thing as Islamic nationalism going on, and it is a negative force in the world inspiring scores of terrorist attacks.

It was this issue which made me decisively break with the Left, as they were taking Islam at face value and accepting their claims as absolute truth without any skepticism. Skepticism which they did apply to Christianity.

What I really think is going on is a deranged elite centered in Washington DC conveniently uses minority narratives to delegitimize the vast majority of the country, and so to themselves justify their own wealth and plundering of the country. And they do so selectively. Black narratives are useful insofar as they advance the homosexual narrative. The homosexual narrative takes precedence over all.

What is this all about? Well, the Unitarian Universalist church is stupidly shitlib. It is kind of a political club for lefty people. The sermon if you could call it that was overly political.

And yet I attended. I knew what was in store. I have attended the UU before.

And I am significantly to the right of the UU. Why? Have I seriously considered why I am not in favor of LGBTQ advocacy? Not really. It just is a position I have based on my initial feel of the situation.

But here is why I went to the UU. Because I have explored other churches and the UU are the least bad one.

It was a small intimate sermon space. It was light and airy. There was a real piano. There was real human connection.

I feel so isolated most churches I go to which play the same dreck from the same California studios.

The songs were old classic songs.

There were two happy families there.

There is no emphasis on original sin or hellfire or fear.

That last one is a big one for me. That whole concept I feel is abusive and absolutely worthless and the worst thing about Christianity of past and present.

And it is where I am currently. I did consider leaving immediately and going to a chinese church. That does speak to a certain part of me. But who I am currently is more with the UU.

Despite the presence of a few freaks in the congregation.

There was a man dressed as a woman. It is always uncomfortable being around people like that. But I can tolerate it.

And in the end, politics are a personal matter for me. I do look at people and institutions holistically. I definitively do not believe in any of the LGBTQ agenda. I oppose it when it comes down to it. But coming down to it is neither here nor there. It really is something that I am not overly invested in.


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