The end to my right-wing flirtation

The Trump election turned me right wing. It was such an insane shocking event that I went searching for explanations. And I found them. Rod Dreher in particular clued me in to the discontent brewing among the religiously conservative. I found myself agreeing with them. Dreher was able to find such insane oddities that I imagined that major US cities were filled with degenerates.

And I've just spent an evening in one of these degenerate places. It was a pleasant family affair. I'm sure that there were a few degenerates, homosexuals acting wildly inappropriately, whatever, there. I didn't notice. I noticed the families. They were intact and enjoying a pleasant evening.

The fact is that it took right-wing media for me to be clued in on those things. But in real life I don't see them. They do exist. This is a big world with 7 billion people and a few are going to be weirdos.

My new years resolution has been to end my consumption of alt-right media. I still find them interesting, but they are mostly attitude. In particular, they had a big debate with Sargon of Akkad and all of the major figures from Enoch to Johnson and maybe Spencer? argued for ethnic cleansing and racial laws.

Obviously this is too far. It is also unnecessary. But the alt-right I detect was hijacked by the Stormers, the Andrew Anglin crew, who are like the Joker in that they drive the more...respectable...of the motley crew of the alt-right into extremism due to his lunacy and unpredictability. As I grow older I see things as also a sum of missed opportunities and how things could have been different with a different path taken, instead of dwelling on how things are as they are now.

It is unnecessary because white people already prefer white people. A truly neutral enforcement leads to people making their own choices, for racist reasons or whatever.

And they don't make that argument.

I've been thinking about my upbringing in West Virginia. How it turns out that both sides of the duality are wrong, that fundamental premises are wrong. What is the core of my discontent? How could things have been better? My father went mad. It is difficult to articulate this. Articulation is something that I need to work on. I come to conclusions. Articulation is communicating the emotion, the facts, the frameworks.

I need to go eat now. This is sloppy because no one is reading it anyways.


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